If you have come this far it is because you are one of the naughty people who are looking for fun. It is evident that in sex anything goes, pleasure can be adapted to the tastes of each person, provided that both parties agree, obviously.
The preferences are very extensive, from the most backward ones who opt for the position of the missionary, to the most daring who delve into sadomasochism.
Well, if you are one of the seconds, of those who like to experience new sensations and give a spark to sexual relations, let’s tell you what it is about the black kiss and the white kiss. They are one of the dirtiest kisses carried out on the sexual plane, so your modesty and stomach should be strong, because it is far from conventionalism. Of course, the enjoyment is maximum.
The white kiss consists in that a person ejaculates inside the mouth of another person while the second one performs a fellatio. The second person in question holds the semen in his mouth and proceeds to an exchange of flows with a third person. That is to say, it is a transfer of semen in chain, the first one ejaculates in the mouth of the second one (during fellatio) and the third receives the semen from the mouth of the second.
There is also a shorter version in which the person who performs fellatio introduces the semen into the mouth of the person who ejaculates. Everything will depend on whether we talk about sex for two or more participants.
This practice is very exciting for men, because they feel the power that their juice is passed from mouth to mouth. However, it is a sexual game that must be treated with caution because the wounds in the mouth or the own swallowing of the semen can be a possible sexual transmission, in the case of being the ejaculator. Enjoy the moment but with caution.

On the other hand, the practice of the black kiss consists of licking the anus, hence it is also known as ass licking.
This sex game is very attractive to the recipient because the anus is one of the areas of the body that has the highest number of nerve endings and extreme sensitivity, so that contact with the tongue causes the pleasure to multiply and the sensation rises to the maximum.
It is also a risky practice, because the anus can be considered as one of the most prone to the appearance of bacteria and parasites so that contact with the mouth can cause diarrhea or pimples on the lips.
To avoid these disagreements, it is best to keep the area under extreme hygiene and disinfection during practice. If you are going to perform this game with whores, both parties should agree before that cleaning is paramount so that the pleasure is full and safe.